Hello. Dah lame xtulis post baru...its not to late to wish a very Happee Mother's Day to my lovely mum..n to all mums in the planet. tq mom for being such a wonderful person in my life
love u so much.
For my mother's day celebration, this post i'd to share cubaan membuat cupcakes.
ni pertama kali saya buat dah rajin la jgak belek2 recipes kt internet tuh
there're a lot of cupcakes recipes on nets, cooking blogs too
so tuan-tuan dan puan2 here is the recipes :
Bahan2 Cake:
200 g Butter
160g Castor Sugar
3 tablespoons of Custard Flour
220g Self-rising Flour
4 Eggs
1 teaspoons Vanilla
Bahan2 Ising:
125g Butter
500g Icing Sugar
2-3 tablespoons of UHT Fresh Milk
So, Lets get it started!!...
Mula2 penting set oven pada suhu 175 deg celcius. lepas tu, ayak tepung naik sediri bersama tepung kastard..
dah siap ayak...biar dulu tepung tu
pukul butter dan jgak gula sampai kembang.. (nak tau kembg ke tak tgok struktur nya yg lembut dan yellowish)
masukkan telur satu perstu..terus pukul dyorng sampai sebati
tambahkan vanilla dan msukkan tepung dikit dikit..pukul lagi
dah agak2 dah sebati..isi ke dlam bkas cupcakes gne 2 sudu lg senang..
(tips: msukkan 1/2 cup tuh supaya cake x la melimpahi cup)
bakar selama 20-25 mins...tik tok tik tok..times's running
lepas tuh untuk ising pula senag saje, pukul butter sampai kembang dan tambah gula ising
(tips: tambah dikit2 gula, xnanti ising terlalu manis..)
tambah susu segar...they give the creamy structure.
they're ready to decorate the cupcakes. u can use multiple ingredients such as chocolate rice, cherry, cocktail fruits, hundreds thouusands.. n lots more.
(Tips: untuk hiasan gune plastik timbang yang ada jual kt kdai runcit biase, hiris hujung plastik menghasilkan lubang)
lihatlah btpa cute nya mereka: